Although it has been a quiet week on the blog, here on the farm it’s been all go. Our intrepid WWOOF volunteer Bettina has arrived from Austria, hitch hiking all the way – at one point on a tractor. A terrifyingly long list of things to do exists, and we’ve begun to make our way through them. Not wanting to waste any potential compost, all the leaves have been gathered up from around the house.

Despite the mud, we’ve built a rather fine path across the front paddock to the polytunnel – digging it all by hand, then barrowing in some 4 tonne of stone before levelling it and then adding a further 4 tonnes of fine blinding as a surface. Here’s Bettina having just finished the last of the path. We had occasional help from one of the hens, who likes to be in the thick of things, this time packing down the stone surface.

It’s very exciting to see the growing field taking shape, and we hope to get one or two of the beds prepared, and the polytunnel laid out and dug over ready for growing.