When we started growing food here, we weren’t sure what would thrive, and so I continue to be amazed and grateful when I walk down into the gardens and find an abundance of food growing, now, in November. Strawberries – not only the traditional ones but alpines too –
and sweet peppers, Lyra’s favourite forage.
The tunnel may look a little bare at first glance, but kale is already poking through the soil, salads are thriving, and all manner of herbs are still doing well.
Outside, sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower are all thriving.
and we are about to get stuck into the turnip crop.
Autumn raspberries have also arrived, and are a welcome treat on dull days –
Its not just the veg that continues to surprise us – a last brood of chicks, now four days old are running around the place with their fierce mother.
and our older hens are enjoying the compost heap as much as ever