You can make a difference

You can make a difference

In response to a post I wrote about coping with the effects of catastrophic climate change, someone commented to the effect that ‘the climate has always warmed and cooled so we should all stop complaining, and accept that this is the natural order of...


Someone recently said that they liked what I’m doing but couldn’t work out what my motivations were. A really good question as it turns out – in responding I had to think it through.I’ve always been what I optimistically refer to as self...

Cloughjordan – its not just me

After my last post on Cloughjordan – the eco-village that isn’t, I couldn’t help wondering that surely I couldn’t be alone in thinking that it was a soulless place that really had missed the point. Turns out I was right. There is even a website...

A missed opportunity

When we began the process of looking at how and where we’d like to live, we started as close to home as we could, and that turned out to be ‘The Village’ at Cloughjordan. Hooray, we thought, a cutting edge eco-village at least if not exactly on our...