Off grid

Off grid

  It isn’t a huge amount of solar, but it’s enough to allow us to manage almost entirely without the mains grid.  (The washing machine is too much for this system).  We have, in theory, enough power to keep us going for 5 days in the event of it being...
Digging in the dirt

Digging in the dirt

Two thirds of the way through Jean-Baptiste and Marie-Josephine’s visit, and we’ve made amazing progress. Paths laid, 450 trees planted, new water pipes installed to the stables and outhouse, all the old rubble from the house levelled, tonnes of firewood...

An (un)Well well

Something I have a particular aversion to is wells. There’s just something about looking down a narrow shaft into dark water, not knowing where the bottom might be. Hence I didn’t particularly relish the task of climbing down a ladder into the depths, to...