New controller – caution off grid nerd alert

In my search for a well made charge controller that would allow me to configure it properly, I came across Karasouli –  It’s easily configurable, and also does proper data logging, for voltage and wind turbine performance, and its made in...

A close shave

Nothing quite like an occasional reminder of my mortality, (which used to arrive almost daily in my days as a horse trainer, and which are now fairly few and far betweeen), but which today came when the dumper truck I was driving rolled down the hill I was...

Enjoying being a Power Generator

Our solar may be reliable, and every day I thank it for providing yet more free power without having to go and prod it in any way, but there is something very satisfying about sitting watching the wind generator spinning. Somehow it proves that theres electricity...

We’ve got wind

Today we put up the wind generator – a huge thank you is due to all those who very kindly gave us something towards it – with any luck that gift will keep on helping to make power for us for a long time to come. Thanks also to Sinead, who unwittingly came...

The Tir Teg crew

It’s been a busy month to say the least, but more of that later. Last week we were in Wales, and spent a few days at the PontYGafel farmhouse plotting the building of our empire, and exploring all the local towns.   The Tir Teg group is getting well established...

Answering the critics

A common accusation that I’ve seen made to those who live off grid seems to be ‘you’re off grid and living self sufficiently, but you’ll be quick enough to use the NHS when you get sick, and you’re using a laptop that couldn’t be...