RIP Lily..

RIP Lily hen, taken by the evil cat. Our growling hen vanished last night, at the hands (or paws) of the resident semi-feral cat. The layer of the green eggs is gone, and she, and her eggs be sorely missed.

A brave little horse

Poor little Sherafey, she has had a hard few weeks. Having finally found her a friend she got on with in the form of Mabel, she was bereaved after just a week here on the farm when we sadly lost Mabel to colic. The following day she ran through a wire fence and and...

Munitions in the shed..

In my quest to find the missing bits of the cooker, I decided to go through the many tins and boxes of old scrap out in the shed. Finding an old dried milk tin, I gave it a good shake (as you do), and decided it must be full of nuts and bolts. Imagine my surprise when...