Fluffers does it again

Fluffers does it again

The unstoppable broody Fluffers has done it again, this time vanishing to hatch 8 healthy chicks, returning to parade them around the place today. She’s perfected the knack of sashaying about with them underneath her, which is quite a sight, and here they are...
A day at Balmoral

A day at Balmoral

The biggest agricultural show in Northern Ireland is Balmoral, and we make an annual pilgrimage to go and inspect the amazing variety of sheep, cows, pigs, goats and fowl, as well as sample the amazing local produce that is becoming ever more prevalent. Sheep of the...
Hen party

Hen party

After years of making do with a camera phone, we finally bit the bullet and got ourselves a decent camera. I have to say that the results were worth it, and our chickens have been obligingly posing for me. f  
Less really is more..

Less really is more..

  We love our hens, and I can’t imagine a time when we wouldn’t have them here – after all, what smallholding doesn’t have hens roaming around? Although ours have lived at times in a contained area, they love to free range around the...
The way of the whippet

The way of the whippet

  This is Wilma the Whippet, the latest addition to the Lackan Cottage Farm household. Dumped in mid December, with 12 puppies, Wilma was fortunate enough to be picked up by the dog warden and taken to the Mid Ulster Rehoming Centre at Drumbonaway kennels. Sadly...
Could you give Martin a home?

Could you give Martin a home?

This is Martin, a mostly Welsummer cockerel, who is truly a great looking chap. Martin is looking for a flock of ladies to call his own, and until then is roaming our smallholding, singing to any hen that will listen. Could you offer MartinĀ a home? Otherwise I will...