Round(ish) house project update

After two years I've finally succumbed to covid, so am waiting out my quarantine by updating some of the information on the website. First up is the roundhouse - a project that at one point I thought would never end. After a quick start, the thought of having to sieve...

Celebrating our tenth year with new courses

2022 marks our tenth year here at Lackan Cottage Farm, and a lot has changed, both here at the farm and in the wider world. Much of what we've done here seems very relevant in 2022, and many things that were relatively 'fringe' back in 2012 are becoming mainstream...

Tour and talk at Lackan – 28th May

This is our tenth year here at Lackan. After two years when we've basically been closed down, and the world has changed in many ways it is time to open up again. We've had lots of requests from people to come and look around and ask questions, and this is a great way...

Tour and talk at Lackan -24th April 2022

This is our tenth year here at Lackan. After two years when we've basically been closed down, and the world has changed in many ways it is time to open up again. We've had lots of requests from people to come and look around and ask questions, and this is a great way...

Finishing the roundhouse

Five years ago now we started building the strawbale roundhouse, which has been a slow affair, mainly due to not having any good clay with which to make earth plaster.  The roundhouse has sat there full of junk - a wasted opportunity that has nagged at me each time I...

Guided tour of Lackan Cottage Farm

***Sorry we have sold out of tickets for this one. We will run another so click here to leave your contact details and we'll let you know when the next date is **** We're offering a guided tour of Lackan on Sunday 26th September, where we will be looking at everything...

The same but different

It's nearly ten years now since we landed here at Lackan and in some ways the world has changed very little, and in others we live in an utterly different universe to the one we inhabited back then. Ten years ago we were holed up in our truck in Bangor, building a...

Thoughts on heating systems

I get asked about heating a lot. What's best, the most cost effective, simplest, efficient. All that. So this is a collection of my thoughts based on all the various things we've tried (and we've tried quite a few). So far we have (or have had) - Range cooker with a...

Latest news

Here at Lackan Cottage Farm people often say we are living the good life. We grow our own food and wood fuel, generate our own electricity, take responsibility for our own waste, harvest rainwater and are using natural building techniques. Additionally we help other people to do the same, and welcome visitors and volunteers here to the farm to stay and learn about what we have to offer.

Measuring, measuring

Measuring, measuring

After all the hoo-ha, storm Frank didn’t hit too hard, and everything remains standing. Seeing as we have so much in the way of weather here, I asked Santa for a weather station and she has obliged, so now I have even more things to measure, and finally I know what it takes for the wind turbine to do its thing.

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As ye sow, so shall ye reap

As ye sow, so shall ye reap

Well, our climate chickens are fairly coming home to roost tonight, as storm Frank rages around us. Destructive winds are raging, huge amounts of rain falling, and we genuinely don’t know what will still be standing come the morning.

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Wind anyone?

Wind anyone?

Storm Desmond is upon us, and the wind is fairly howling around the house, but for the first time, it is howling outside and not inside. I am delighted to announce that the floor repair worked a treat, and the filled-in floor in the classroom is warm and draught free.

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Who turned the sun off?

Who turned the sun off?

Weeks like the one we've just had are an off-gridder's nightmare. After some lovely cold autumnal days, it is now seven days since we saw anything approaching sunshine, and output from our solar PV is negligible, to put it kindly. It is weather like this that leads to...

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Fixing the floor

Fixing the floor

Usually I post about the things that have gone right, but we are on a learning curve, and things often don't work out first time around. The floor in the new build is one such case. After much deliberating, and mainly due to budget constraints, I put in a suspended...

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Wind turbine first proper test

Wind turbine first proper test

The windy weather we normally get in October didn't put in an appearance, but finally it is here, and today's weather perfectly illustrates the need for a mixture of generation to keep the lights on all winter. At 10m on an overcast day the PV is producing next to...

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Autumn abundance

Autumn abundance

When we started growing food here, we weren't sure what would thrive, and so I continue to be amazed and grateful when I walk down into the gardens and find an abundance of food growing, now, in November. Strawberries - not only the traditional ones but alpines too -...

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Preparing for winter

Preparing for winter

In our world turned upside down by changing climate, we began the year with a cold, wet 'summer', and have ended it with a warm sunny autumn. Strolling around in a t-shirt in November is definitely not normal here in Northern Ireland, but we (and our tomatoes - they...

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An epic climate journey

An epic climate journey

Today we were inspired to meet Morgan and Garrett, who are undertaking an epic journey from New England to Paris, via Canada, Iceland, Scandanavia, and the UK by bicycle. Their destination? The COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris in December. Along the way they...

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Energy independence

Energy independence

For those who can't already claim some form of payment for generating their own energy, or who will face vastly reduced incentives from 2016, there would seem to be few reasons to invest in renewable energy such as solar PV.  Recent coverage of the Tesla home energy...

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Are you a Good Worker?

Well, here we are again. I'd love to regail you with tales of how our veg are coming on (fine, by the way), but I've spent the last couple of weeks being fascinated and horrified by our political masters. This isn't supposed to be a political blog, but when those...

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What a summer

What a summer

As we come to Mabon -  the Autumn equinox, our busy season draws to a close, and the place has quietened down as our band of volunteers head off, and we host the last events before we take a break. Last weekend's course - 'Finding You - A Journey Home' with Micheal de...

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A weekend of permaculture

A weekend of permaculture

Last weekend saw the second Permaculture course to be run here at Lackan Cottage Farm, with tutor Hannah Mole, and guest appearance by Heiko Vermeulen who came to lead a foraging walk on the Saturday.   After an opening circle and a session to get to know each...

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Refugee crisis – how you can help

Refugee crisis – how you can help

Sometimes it is astonishing how a single moment defines a tipping point in our lives. This week it has surely been the heartbreaking image of the body of a three year old boy washed up on a beach as his family flee Syria.  That it took such a thing to happen is...

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I’m no expert, but….

I’m no expert, but….

So twice this week I've had conversations with people who said something along the lines of "Well I'm no expert but really solar isn't much good here in Northern Ireland because unless its really sunny they don't work and its never really sunny here so why bother....

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Amazing reedmace

Amazing reedmace

In researching what type of reeds were best suited for our new reedbeds, I discovered that the humble reedmace - or Bulrush as many people know it, is a quite remarkable plant. It is hardy, frost resistant, likes wet ground, and can remove high levels of toxins from...

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Horizontal flow reedbeds

Horizontal flow reedbed All the water from baths, showers and sinks comes through our reed bed, which filters and cleans the water, before it passes to our pond. This means it is important to avoid putting any chemicals down the sink, and why we provide ecologically...

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Small change

Small change

The last week I have despaired somewhat as I watch the government dismantle the renewables industry in the name of shaving a quid off people's energy bills, whilst simultaneously propping up the oil and gas industry to the tune of £1 billion and shamelessly promoting...

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Chicken day

Chicken day

Today was 'chicken day' - 15 weeks or so ago, these 10 birds arrived as day old chicks, supplied by our friends Brian and Becky, as something of an experiment in rearing our own meat.  They have led a happy outdoor existence, foraging, enjoying plenty of space,...

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